Monday, June 6, 2011

Sticky note rescue

  • I'm four regular pads into my period (day two, bright red, no lumps). I change pads based on time not because they are full.
  • At night I sleep without a pad but when I stand up out of bed in the morning, I immediately wonder why I consistently do this to my underwear, bloody them, I mean. 
  • I refrain from tampons after years of use. Maybe to keep less out. I tried a reusable menstrual cup (Diva) but found small holes in the lips I didn't trust for cleanliness. I choose organic pads with wings. I'm looking into alternatives.
  • I am the most aroused during menstruation. I call it The Week Anything Goes. Hard, fast, long, rough, over and over, my body can handle it better with blood and want it that way.
  • Menstrual blood, day two, is like paint. I have to put down a towel or expect the sheets to get kissed. Then there's the body blood swirling around his pubis, up on the my inner thighs, his scrotum, penis, my hands. 
  • TimV does not like this. For thirty-eight months he hasn't liked it. 
Today my vagina would like to report that beside it in bed there was a fully erect penis motivated to penetrate. My vagina was baffled. Usually it is begging, sulking in rejection or coming from pity-sex. Now, it was just going to get its way?! I was spun around but available--so "Yes, let's do, after I relieve my bladder, wipe the fresh plop of blood off, wash my hands, and let the dogs out."

Vagina Report: Sex. Slow to start. Wet from blood and saliva. Resisted deep penetration until tenting occurred. Woman on top position, verbal fantasy, headache probably from dehydration, sense of fullness, enjoyed most of it, orgasm was boxy (tall without a spike), back to resting state and sleep for me.

Then I woke up to a consumptive logging stream in my brain: urine, light yellow, almonds, 8 oz. of water, clothed except head, hands and feet, horny. After work I  continued last night's determined efforts to collect data consistently plunking away at questions on the Qualtrics server. It is the best survey system I've seen and that is just from the free trial version. Many possibilities that I see as opportunities had me spilling out variables, and variables of variables until I was overwhelmed.
           In defense, I take to a black Sharpie and sticky notes. I wrote down everything I wanted to measure or hold against the independent variable--time. Tomorrow more hours will go to this chore and I will eventually settle on a method that is both searching and manageable.
This is my infant vagina map.


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